Sunday, August 28, 2011

A snippet of our past.

Just to be honest, I don't like the blog posts where people go on and on about how amazing their husbands are. It really gets on my nerves. Especially if I'm feeling a little down, it just stings. So I'm going to try not to do that, but beware: my man really stepped it up on Friday and I'm going to have to brag. Just a little.
We actually went to high school together. I always thought he was really cute, but we never really hung out together. We ran around in different circles, but knew the same people. One night in college when I was a Junior, we saw each other at a party. We talked for a really long time and I knew that I liked him. A lot. He was seeing someone at the time, and so was I, so nothing ever came of it. I didn't see him again for about a year after that night, and the same thing happened. We literally stayed up talking for hours one night and this time, we were both single. He took me to lunch the next day and we've been together ever since.
Although it has not always been rainbows and butterflies, I have always loved him in that "we were meant for each other" kind of way. You know...that love that as soon as you feel it, you know that you'll never be the same. The kind that, you know that no matter what....this person has a piece of you now.
When our first son was born, our love grew leaps and bounds. I finally completely surrendered myself to the Lord and let Him take over my life. My life completely changed. My husbands...not so much. We moved to Columbus and my love for the Lord grew even more. My husband's was not growing (not fast enough for me anyway). My first instinct was to tell him what he needed to do. Haha. The Lord probably thought that was funny. I finally decided that it was out of my hands and all I could do was pray and stay strong in the Lord. He saw me doing my bible study every night and he saw the change in me. He certainly did not surrender to God because of me, but he finally surrendered, and it was A-MA-ZING. Our marriage became so much more than I thought it could ever be. We were no longer living for ourselves, but for Him. We soak up the Word together, and it is unbelievable. We still struggle. We certainly fail...daily. But it's different. We're in this together and it feels so good to have a true partner in this life. He's also not too bad on the eyes.
Friday was our anniversary. I told J that all that I wanted was for him to set up a babysitter and take me somewhere to eat. Nothing fancy. Just a few hours of just me and him time. The night before, he told me that he had not called a babysitter yet. That made me feel really special. Then on Friday, he sent me a dozen roses to work. Why was I not happy? I guess because I didn't want roses. I wanted some time with him alone and he was too busy to set something up. I sent him a quick text saying "thanks" and literally left work and went and bought the man some running shorts and a card. Seriously. That's what I got him. When I got home, he was mopping our floors. The house was SPOTLESS. He said "The babysitter will be here at 7. Get dressed." He cooked dinner for the kids and gave them baths while I got dressed. By myself. Without my children pulling on my legs. He then gave me my gift. A beautiful wooden cross. Okay, so he sent me a dozen roses to work, cleaned the house, fed and bathed the kids, bought me a thoughtful present, set up a babysitter, and took me out...and I bought the man a pair of running shorts! His birthday is next month. Maybe I can make up for my foolishness then. Will I ever learn? Will I ever realize what I have? Lord, I hope so. I felt like a selfish brat. And rightfully so. Oh well...I have many, many more years to get it right!


  1. Happy late anniversary...I had no idea! You crack me up, Abby! I love this post. :-) Love y'all!

  2. What a beautiful story! God is so good!
