Okay, so I've been trying this coupon thing. I went to a workshop on how to get started with some friends a couple of weeks ago. Let me just say...the girl leading the workshop, had it going on! She knew all the tricks of finding a good deal and only buying what she needed (not all that other junk most people end up buying when they have coupons). I've been wanting to get into this for a while. My sister-in-law and my cousin are really good at it and have motivated me to start. This workshop was just the icing on the cake!
And then the problem....actually doing it. It can be EXTREMELY overwhelming. Especially when you don't have all of the resources and time that some people do. I know that these people say that if you just make time, then it will be worth it. Here's my question...how do you MAKE time? I didn't know that was possible.
Here's just a snapshot of my days right now.
5:30 a.m.-(I say 5:30, but I usually hit snooze about 4 times) wake up, shower, get dressed, get my children up, ready, dressed and in the car with breakfast in hands
7:00 a.m.- (again, I say 7:00, but am ALWAYS late) drop kids off at daycare and head to work
7:20ish-3ish - work, work, work; and let's just say, it's THAT time of year
3ish-4:30ish - either a meeting or the gym (the gym thing just started last week, but it's a must right now)
4:30- pick up kids
5:30- 2 to 3 days/week we're at t-ball, church on Wed. nights (again, another thing that just started last week, but we're really enjoying the Wed. night services) My family has become accustomed to crock pot meals on the days that Merrit has t-ball and something quick and easy the other nights.
6:30-8- play, feed, bathe, read, sing, put kids to sleep
8:00- SERIOUSLY, by this time, I am NOT going to get on the computer and look at coupons/store ad's/ect. When my kids go to sleep, I have to clean, pick out clothes, and pack bags for the next day.
All of that said, when I do it, I do actually enjoy it and I LOVE the savings. Take right now for instance, my husband is outside playing with the kids (I've had them all day while he's been playing in Starkville with his buddy), and I am about to "coupon" it up. I guess I just have to realize that I can not go to the extreme that some people go to, but just do what I can when I can. Another lesson I've learned: I can NOT take my kids shopping with me anymore if I'm going to figure out the best deals and use coupons. Not.Fun.
I have heard that it gets easier the more you do it and I'm hoping that that's true! For now, you will NOT be seeing me on Extreme Couponing. I'm just going to say it...those people are crazy (but I LOVE watching them)!